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We Want Your Art!


Hawks Hunt for New T-shirt Designs!

It’s no secret the Riverhawks love fun - fun themes, fun atmospheres and, of course, fun baseball! It’s also no secret we love local - local entertainers, local beer and local partners. All of this made us ask the question, “Why not have some fun with local artists?!”

Enter the "2024 Summer Artist Series!" We welcome artists of any age to create their best Riverhawks inspired design - the winners will see their work on limited edition t-shirts sold at Riverhawks games! We are actually going to select 3 new designs, each of which will be sold at Hawks home stands.

Artists can put on their creative caps now, get doodling and then submit their t-shirt design by emailing RiverhawkArtSeries@gohawks.ca. Design submissions will be open from February 1st to March 1st.

We encourage artists to share their designs on social media using the hashtag #RiverhawksArtSeries.

After a round of initial deliberation from our judging panel, fans will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite design on the Riverhawks Instagram page. 1 of the 3 winning designs will be selected by those fans.

The other 2 designs will be chosen by a panel of judges led by award-winning artist Mike Lundy, who crafted a couple of sassy t-shirts for the Riverhawks last season.

The 3 winning designs will be available for purchase in-store and online at each of the Riverhawks 9-game homestands. The 3 winning artists will receive a $150 cash prize as well as 10% of the profits from their t-shirt sales at the Hawk Shop.

Artwork Criteria

  • Any artist, regardless of skill or age, is welcome to enter!
  • Artwork must be original. You must be the creator of the art you submit.
  • We strongly encourage you to follow a 3-colour limit for your design.
  • Please ensure you provide a high resolution photo or scan of the artwork.
  • You may use the Riverhawk brand pantones (provided below) if you would like but feel free to use any 3 colours of your choice
  • Your artwork must be FUN & CREATIVE!! (Seriously, go crazy!)

Thanks for having fun with us! Good luck!!!

Brand Color Pantones